First "Contained", this word really got me thinking. I was trying very hard to keep my feelings contained when my preschooler frustrated me. But as I focused on Contained I found it invigorating. I realized that I have the power within to choose for myself. I did, I kept my feelings contained and calm and really was able to enjoy my children. What a blessing!
My second day was "Clear", I have never really thought about applying this to my day. As I thought about it I realized how UnClear I have been. I am needing to think on it more I feel. I have felt like I have had my mind in a haze unsure of how I want to do things, but realizing that I need to bring myself to be clear really helps me have something to work on.
"Clean", this word I actually got on Sunday. The perfect day! I realized that to be clean means more than just your body, it means to make your mind, thoughts, even feeling clean. As I tried to be clean and Holy I felt a new sense of awakening. I hope I can be clean always...
"Composed",this word came on a good day to practice being composed. When my little one decided to dump out the enormous bag of pom poms all of the floor (immediately after his sister cleaned them up) I had to think about this word. When the baby fussed at the same time, I remembered the word. I remembered it when my older ones came in for the seventh time asking for a snack (while I was feeding the baby of course).
I had tried all day to be composed...
But when I looked back at the end of my day I realized I had. I also realized that my day had gone smoother, I felt calmer and much happier. It was awesome!
"Contrite", I guess I have never really understood the meaning of this word. Contrite seemed to me a word that didn't always fit. I understand it now, to really feel sorrow for sin (not necessarily guilt as I thought). This word has a deeper meaning then I realized. Not just to feel guilty about wrong but to really feel sorry. I think this means so much more to me now. This is so nice to really have a better understanding. I realize that I really need to apply this important word more often. What a needful, blessed Experience!
Thank you for your thoughts! I love how you keep it simple. I think I could do more of that.